Yesterday at the game, I heard a little griping about not enough postings, so here ya go!
Easter Sunday, 1:00 PM - I arrive at the field to find only my co-commissioner there. Soon enough some of the softball stalwarts began to arrive and eventually we got ourselves a game:
The Scorching Dans v. The Gang of Evans
Well, it was a fun one, highlighted by the game ending double play turned by some kid who I was calling A-Rod because he was wearing a Texas Rangers jersey (I couldn't think of anyone's name on the current Texas roster). Phenomenal! Silk hits a rocket liner the other way and this little 10 year old just sticks his glove out there and nabs it, and then quickly gets the ball out of the glove and over to me at first, doubling off a befuddled Dave Janik.
Here are some photos from the game:
Great game everyone! See you all (and more I hope) next week on the field. Opening Day is the following week, so get ready and tell your friends!
Peace Out
All right, now we're talking! Pics, game re-cap...looking good.
thank you for saying my liner was hard.
weimar here, cameron put up some pictures from the halloween game last year. put some of these babies up on the blog!
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